Dilemma: The Segregated Match

In his new book, The Complacent Class, Tyler Cowen re-emphasizes the role of economists in perpetuating pessimism. By connecting a slew of dismal trends backed by hard (and shaky) data, he offers a rationale behind the low levels of productivity, decreased economic mobility and low levels of economic growth. He categorizes the factors that make us seemingly FKD.
Continue reading “Dilemma: The Segregated Match”

Financial Capital: Moving Up The Ladder In The Modern Economy

Though it doesn’t paint the whole picture, financial capital represents a whole lot of the influence behind economic mobility. The last, and most obvious, installment in our analysis of economic capital’s effect on realizing the American Dream explores financial capital.

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Safety Or Crony: General Motor’s Attempt To Lay Out The Rules

Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if a new regulation is put in place to ensure safety or to make it difficult for competitors to compete in the same market. In the case of Michigan’s unprecedented rules on self-driving vehicles, General Motor’s involvement is not making it any easier. Continue reading “Safety Or Crony: General Motor’s Attempt To Lay Out The Rules”

Our Parents And Grandparents Are Sharing The Struggle With Student Loans

The student loan debt crisis is not exclusive to Gen Y. A new report claims that of the student loans taken out by folks over the age of 60, 40 percent of them are in default. This will turn out to have some serious implications for not only their well-being but for Gen Y’s ability to become economically mobile in the future. Continue reading “Our Parents And Grandparents Are Sharing The Struggle With Student Loans”

What Will the Future Economy Look Like? Welcome to 2040.

Our series on the modern economy ends with what lies ahead: the future economy.

Continue reading “What Will the Future Economy Look Like? Welcome to 2040.”

How the Great Recession Shaped Millennial Careers

Our exploration of the formation of the modern economy picks up in the aftermath of the dot-com crash that cost our drunk uncle a pretty penny. Our rollercoaster economy spent the early years of the millennium clinking and clanking back up to the top of the track. But, it was the stomach-churning drop into the Great Recession that defined our generation’s entrance into the workforce. Continue reading “How the Great Recession Shaped Millennial Careers”